Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

2 a 6 That riches are not to 6e condemned and reietied. kZedneffe of their dig)t, on doth place them in the number of re- probate rich men. kehomfoeuer therefore îhe lane of life eternall doth not ha i ble; the Scripture accounteth him to the number of the wicked rich ; becaufe when God ('call caste to iudgetnent there will beno di; erence, whether wee are pufed vp with our goods, or with our d( portions and affeiThons. But being well vied they Ecclef.r3.25. ceafeto; lIototefpcetofourvfeof this indifferent nature ,and becometruly'good vnto vs. Foras the fonne ofSyrach faith, Riches are good vnto. him that bath no Anne in hiecon/ctence, and ponertie is ettillin the mouth of the vugodly. And the Hea- then man could fay,that howfoeuer riches are blind if they Plato. haue not the eye ofprudence to illuminate them;yet they fee acutely when they follow wil^edome. §.See1.9. `Secondly, they obie& that a Chriflian man is to Ivllow ,yn what len(e the example of Chrifls Difciples who forfooke all,and fol- the Apo/lles :are lowed Chrifl. I anfwere, that the Apofiles were laid tohaue faid to bas left all,firll in regard ofrheir eflimatiou,_when in compari Mát tt 2 fan of Chrifl'and his benefits they lightly efleemed them, Liilt.t s,28, and (as the Apofile Paul profeffeth) reputed them no better Phil. 3.7.8. then duñg. Secondly, in regard of their hearts and affe- 6ions,.when is they did not adhere vnto them as before time, but contemned them as bale in refpeól ofGods tual( gtaees,and heavenly treafures. Thirdly, in refped of theft difpofcion,iefolution, and readineffe -to kaue ali,ra- therthen they would denie Chtife and the profellon ofthe Gofpell.'In which refpeas our Sauiour likewife requireth that we fhould forfake,vea hate,our father,mother,wife,and Luk r4,26 'clìildren, yea. that wee:fhould denie-our fefues,anclhate our tiwneliues : not that he would haue vs to doethus abfolure- ly,for thatwereto finne againfl Gods commandements,but comparatiuclyrathgcAen wee fhould .denieChrifl and the profeflìon of his Gofpell,when both the loue of thefe earth: - ay things acrd. our loue towardsihem,.will not (land ' toge - hpr And in the (erne fenfe our Sauiour requireth that wee fhodkl,-foYfake ourtiehes,: for the Apoflles themfelueswho are fail to haue forfaken all, didnocwithilanding after this retain& their good's in their poffeffion; howfoeuer in regard of their :extraordinarie-.èalling whereby AV ere tied co s. `.'. goe