Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That riches are not to be condemned and reie&fed. z 17 goeout oftheir Countrie ouer all the wo ld ro preach the Golpell, they had not the daily vfe and comfort ofthern. For after that Genie is fa id CO haue left al,and to haue follow. Luk.p.zS.zg. ed Chrill ; in the next words he is allo laid, to haue made Chrifl,and many with him, a great feaft at hisowne houle, the which he could not haue done,ifhe had forfaken all, in Mat.19.z7.& refpeelofright and pof of ion, but oncly in the former re- 4.2.o. aa. & fpeEts. And`Peter alfo who faith, that he had forfàken all, lIh s i retained fill his houfc at Capernaum,with other neceffarics and prouifion,as were fit to glue vnto Chrift intertaintnent. And fo likcwife,he had his nets and boates,and other necef fariesfor his fifhing,euen after the refurreclion ofChrifl, as John recordeth. And therefore ofnecefuie, their leauing and forsaking of all,muff be vnderflood,not absolutely and a6fually,but comparatiuely in relpeol oftheir eflimation,af. fectlion and resolution ofputting it in"pradlife, when as they should be called thereunto of God. In which regard,we al- fo are bound to forfakeall,not only in difpofition but ina6t; firfl, in cafe of Chrifian apologie and profcílìon of Gods true religion,when we are by persecutors put to our choice, either to leaue our riches, or to leaue Chrifl and his truth. Match./ o. In which relpeE1 also wee are to leauc our flues, as our Luk.i4. Sauiourhimlelfe in many placesrequireth.. Secondly, MIA? Mark.8. it concerneth the generall'good ofthe Church; for thecom= mon and publicke good is to be preferred before ourowne private and particular. And laftly, when as in time ofgrie- uous persecution; the neceffitie ofmany of our brethren' is great,and cannot be fupplied by any other meanes, tlien by felling away ofourpoffeflìons, that the money may bee im- plated to the common vfe, as was the cafe of the primitiue AR.z.3t cap.5. Church in the Apofllestimes. . Fourthly; theyobie6lthelayingofourSauiour "Chrif to ,.seé Ole young man.: Iffh4u vilçbe-perfea,goeféuthat thou ha>f,Th fayingof and giiát tc áo.the,pnore,p°c. Ianfiver, that this was but a par = ChrJß to ai'e Ocular trial! which our Sauiour took e ofthis young iufhcia- %%Z. ca- rie,who bragged that bee had obferued and kept the whole Mat. 9'zr. . law of God ; whereby our Sauiour. (hewed him how farre 1~ç was offffotnrhat ,.petfco1ionofri'ghceoufíres which God therein