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Mar 19.24. Ma11(.1o.24. 218 Of the captions required to the right vfe ofriches, therein requireth,in that he had not profited thus farre,as to preferre God in his loue and affeetion before his riches, but would rather leaue Chrifl,then leaue them,ifhe nwfl needs forfake one ofboth. That fo being admonifhed ofhis owne imperfeélions and wants,he might flee out ofhimfelfe, and abandoning his owne righteoufneffe,he might ref} himfelfe wholly vpon Chrifland his righteoufìteffe,forhis iuflificati- on & faluation.Finally,they obiecct the Paying of ourSauior, that it is eafier fora camel to goe through the eie ofan nee - dle,then for a rich man to be faued. But the anftvere is eafie; for our Saviour 1peaketh not of the poffeffion of riches, but oftheirabufe, when as rich men trutl more in them, then in God.For fo he expoundeth himfelfe veto his difciples; Chi!_ dren,how hard is it for them that trait in riches,to enterinto the Kingdom( o fÇod? CHAP. IIII. Of the manifold cautions and conditiens which are requi. red to the right and lalbfall vfr of riches. ,Secei.a. That we mug not ouerualse riches in or iudeements a- boetheir worth. Nd thushaue I (hewed that riches in them - felues are not to bee reie&ed and contem- ned,as being the gifts and bleflîngs ofGod, which being well vfed, may be helpcs and furtherances vnto the performance of ma. ny Chriftian duties. In the next place we arc to confider of thofe manifold cautions and conditions which are required voto this lawful' vfe,whereby they are made truly good vn- to vs;and thefe are ofthrec forts: for either they refpe6i the acquifcion and getting ofriches,or their poffetl;on,orfinal- ly their adminifiration, beflowing,'and imploiment. And firP,in refped} oftheir acquifition and getting, it is required that :thee chriflian, lull and honer+. In which regard wee mutt not who profeffe by ourreligicaai, that wee haue better hope ,Ou.e our felues vp wholly to the feraping and raking ofwealth together, fiiffering our thoughts, our words and aélions i