Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the cautisnt relteiredto the right vfe ofrichet. 219 a6ions to be altogether fpent about this fubieet, as being the maine end at which we aime. But confidering that they are not good abColutely,nor in any high degree ofexcellen- cie and perfeélion,but ofa meane and indifferent nature;we muff giue them their due place, and neither in our judge- ment efleeme them, nor in our affedlion loue them, nor in our praëlife feeke them aboue their deferts, or before Gods 1pirituall graces and heauenly excellencies. But as wee are Phi1.3.7.8, in our judgements, when they come in comparifon with tktefe,to defpife and contemne them,and in our affe6ions to loath them,efleeming them no better then droffe and dung, in rerpe6lofChrrfland his benefits; fo neither are we in our acquifition and reeking of them, to giue vnto them the firfl place,butaccording as our Sauiourcommandeth, wee mull firft peke theKingdom ofGed and his righteoufneffè,and then Mate without any great care ofoun owne, God will allo minifler thefe things vnto vs. And if this bee not obrcrued,tiches which are in their owne nature good, doe degenerate and become euill: for as a flaue is ofgood vfe whileflhe keepeth his owne placc,and imploicth himfelfe about his owne bu- fineffe,but becommeth intollerable,when hee prefumeth to feate himfelfe aboue the King, and taketh vpon him to rule the Commonwealth and as the feruant is to be well eflee- med ofhi.s mailer,whilef} in all humilitie he doth his dutic, but becommeth odious,when he takes vpon him,not onelie to rule him and the whole houle, but as a rivallwooeth his mifireffe,and withdraweth her heart and affe&ion from her husband ; fo riches are good, whileflthey hold the inferior places offlauesand vnderlings, and be at the owners com- mand,to performe all good duties : but when they prefume to fine themfelues in the roiall throne ofGod, the heart of man, which hee hath appropriated to his owne vfe, if they take vpon them to rule their owners, and to make them to become their drudges : if being in comparifon, ofa bale and contemptible condition,they exalt themfelues in our eflima- Lion aboue hcauen and heavenly things; and begin to wood our hearts from God, and our husband lefus Chrift; then they degenerating from their owne nature and condition are
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