Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

e2 o Of the cautions to be obferued in the right vfe of richer are tobe defpifed, and with iufl contempt, to bee trodden and Ramped under foot. 4.Sttí.z. Secondly, in gathering of riches wee muff vfe moderati- 70úhe, mNtrt on,both in regard ofour affe&ions,and allo in refpe& of the net be immode- quantity of the riches themtelues:In refpe& ofour affe &ion rat ely aff ed.ed in reeking, wee muff fiat auoid that put-pored refolution of worldly men,of becomming rich. For vpon this will follow a defire ofvfing vnlawfull meanes,when as lawfull are wan- ting;and fo whilell we get wealth, wee (hall lofe our foules, and lieopen to all Satans loares oftentations, when theyare couered with the alluring bait of profir.And this the Apofile t.Tim.6.9. to. plainely afñrmeth:They (faith he)rhat will be ricb,fallinto ten- tarions and fnarei,andinto many ¡ooli /b and neif me laiFts,mhich drolly/7e men in perdition and destrulhen.For the defire ofmoney, is the roote ofalleuill, which while faine lnftedafter,theyerred from the faith, and pearced themfelues thorow with many for - rorres.There mufftherfore be in ourwil &delire, aChriflian moderation and indifferencie, whereby we with toattaine veto riches,if God grant lawfull mcanes,and can be content to be without them,ifthefe honefi and iuff meanesbe wan- ting. Secondly,as our defires muff be moderate; fo alto our haft in compaffiag them,being content to fiay our time,and to waite the Lords leifure, till hee blotleth our labours with fruitful! increafe; for otherwifè, ifas Toone as Satan hath fey out a bootie, weprefently goea forraging, and runnevpon it without feareof any danger,weThal fitddenly fall into his ambu(hments, and by ouer hafliepurfUir ofour pray, make ourfotlesa pray to this defiroyingenemie. And ofthis the Wife man forewarneth vs, that wee may auoid thefe (tram- gems ofthe diuell : He that (faith he) maketh haft to bee rich Pro.2.8.2,o. /Z. fiall not beinnocent. And a little after: ni?man with awicl&ed eie hafleth to riehes,and b oometh not that pouertie (Ball come vp- Pro.xosr. on kin. And in another place : efln heritage &Ohygotten at the besorniriçr,the end thereof (lsii not be 6lefed. Of this hall therefore let vs take heed, and before we Peale upon riches, let vs confider well of the meanes whereby they are to bee compaffed, and ferioufly view them befote sec fwallow them, left Satan bathhid a höoke vnder this baite; and ice - ing