Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

E Of the cautions to heobferuedin the right vfeofriches. do they busby gaininga little earthly pelfe,hazard their own faluation, & what toilet profit them togaine the whole world and hiatlf.8.36. toloe their o?cne fouler? as our Saviour Chrifl fpeaketh. To this purpofe the Heathen Philofepher fpeaketh excellently Sencc.dc bee.: wife man (faith he) may haste great riches, being not wrong - ta.vira,caz3. fully -takvt from any; neither defiled withftranQe blood, gotten without iniurie, without any dilhoneil courts ; ofwhicb there it at'hovel a paffage and egreffe, as they had an entrance, at'libici, none Qroneth and repineth but the enuione and malicien,- : let them be _lifted and examined as much orlon kill, and they will proue honer?. In which when as there are many-things, which all ceuldWefire to be their airne, there it nothing ti,htch any man can Ay it it hie- awne: fuck an one Irillnet rcielï the denignitie o fpro- etidence, and will neitherglorie nor WI in'his patrimoniegotten by hone fl means, &c. e 'nd as a wife man will not admit a peny illgottentoeomewet bin his doores; f he will notrefef and call -autgreat riches, thejefóofprauidence-& the fruit ofvenue. For why Jisonldhe ensile them a place? let t- hem come and Bare not, let them take vp a lodging with him : he well neither boa.ff of them,, nor hide them; for that were a figne ofa mind ignorant how to z fe them,ehirofa mind6are'andfearef'K,as though he hugged in his bofome a thingg afq-reatprice, He will not( I fay)cafl them out of doeres. For thenWbat Jhould he fay, areyou vnprof table ? or doe not I knew howto vfeyou? but as though he couldgo a iorney on foot,yet he had rat hergo in his coach;fe if he can lawfully be rich, he ?Pill, and will have wealth in his cu.fl odie, but as a thing which is light and readie toflie away : neither willbe fuffer it to be trou- blefome either to any other or himfelfe, but he?bi /1 beftow it, ei- ther to thegood, or to chop whom he is in hope to makegoed. 4.Sea.3. And thus much concerning the moderation ofour affe- °frhegnentitie &ions in feeking riches: in the next place weare to confider epic-ins-which of the quantitie. of our riches which is to be cleared and is to be defred, fought after : in which regard riches are either neceffary,fuf- that is,fo much ficie nec fought P lentiful! orabundantand fuperfluous. The ne- ,aa ie effarie. ceflitie ofriches either refpehleth a mans nature or his flare : the necefftie ofnature is, that a man haue things neceffarie to fuflaine and preferue nature, as food, appareil, lodging and filch like, with which a man muff reff contented ifhe haue