Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the cautions to be obferued in the right vfe ofriche.r. 223 haue no more: according to theApofllesrule, If wee baue food and rayment let vs therewith be content. And thefe need, r.Tite.6.8: e facies eucry man is bound to defre and fecke after,hoth that ,.Thef4sa._ nothing be lacking vnto him for the preferuation of his life, 2.Cor.t2.t3. and alto that he be not chargeable unto others. The necefli- tie offlate, place orcalling, either refpeéleth himfelfe or o- thers. Vnto the former is required that a man haue not only things fit to fuflaine nature, but tomaintains him according to his place and calling; in which a greater or leffe proporti- on is neceflätie, according to the dignitie ormeaneneffe ofa mans qualitie or condition, And thus a noble man bath need ofa large allowance tomaintaine him according to his - nobilitie, and a Kingmore, to maintaine his royaltie anti thus befides neceffaries belonging to nature,.fcholars & tlu- dents haue need ofbookes, and artizans of tooles. In refpeítì alto ofothers, riches are neceffarie either tomaintaine thole whichare committed to amaus charge, or others who are not vnder- his goueruet jetit: for ,the - former, the father k bound to main taine,not only himfelfe, but alfo'his children, -the mailer his familie, the Magiflrate his officers; of which a man ought to haue as great a care to prouide them neceffá- ries according to their feuerall conditions as himfelfe; and therefore is bound in confcience to delire and feeke after the means, whereby he maybe enabled hereunto. For as the A- pofllefaith, If there be any that prouidethnot for his owne, and r.Tiuy5.8.. namely for them of his boufhold,he denieth the faith,and is wale then an infidell. And thiscare wasin 14c0b, w.berche faith to &Jag,Wben fhali I tremaile formáne ewne boufe alfo? the ce _ good hufwife defcribed in the Prouerbs, who was diligent to prouide neceffaries not only for her husband and children, Pro.3r.r 5.z it. but alfo for all the tell of her family : yea this care was in our SauiourChri(Ihitnfelfe, who had a purfe to keepe the mo- ney which was fit forthe common :ore, both for himfelfe, -hisdifciples, and the padre; which as one obferueth, was not apeny- pouch, buta bag fo bigge that it needed abearer. And this prouifion ofneceffarics ought not onely to be for Ioh.r3.z5. St the time prefent,but allo for the time to come : for the leg- 12.6. fling ofwhich leffon the. ,flttggatt issfgns,w_,the Piíinirç to learne
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