Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

t 2Q. Of the cant: ons to he oh ferued in the right vfe o f rich,. Pro4 K to 'carneprouidence, teeing ¡lee in the fummer prouideth andlt0.f. food for winter; which who taketh out and praelifeth,is called ¡hersons ofcri(dome. Neither ought a man thus to pro- vide for his charge, that they may haue comfortable mainte- nance while(lhc liueth, butalfo that they may haue a com- petent ie for theirrcliefe after he is dead : and thus a good matter prouideth for his faithful! feruants, who haue fpent their chiefe flrength in his feruice, but cfpecially parentsfor their children : for fo the Apofile faith, that children are no a.Cor.r1.14. hound to lay vp for their fat hers ,but the fathers for the children. Pto.13.=a' And Salomon faith, that the rood man 'hall gists inheritance to hie children: children. In refpe&l alto of others who are not vnder our charge riches are neceffary,and that both for pub- like and private vies : publike, as when we contribute to all good vfes,which either refpeót the Church or the Common- wealth: to which purpofes we are to extend our helping hand, not only out ofour fuperfluities, but out of our necef_ fities; pinching both backe and belly to performe thefe pub- like feruices:private,aswhen out of that portion which God bath allotted vs, we bereadie according to our abilitie to relic= the poore who fland in need ofour helpe. 4.Seh1.4 The feconddegre< ormeafureofriches ,isto haue notonì Mat it is law- ly things neceffarie, but alto to haue tome fufñcieucie.and Twit? defire reafonable plentie of them; fo as a man may haue not onely P.67001 pleaty. wherewith to hold life and foule together,and to prouidein fame pore and 'lender manner for his charge and familie, but alfo fuck Bore, as that together with them that depend z.Cor.9.e, vpon him, he may liue coxifortablie and checrefullyinhis 8.1r. vocation. And not only fo, but alto maybe inabled thereby, to be liberally helpefull and beneficial! vnto others, and to aduancc their good, whether it be private or publike. Pri- uate, as by plentifull relieuing the poore, and doing the workes ofmercie with a bountiful! hand. Publike, when as we haue riches which we imploy for the good of the church, in maintaining theMiniflerie,and Petting forward all means of Gods feruice; and for the good of the common wealth, when as we bane wherewith to pay tribute, fcor and lot,and to performe fuch publike feruices as tend to the common good.