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Of the cautions to be obfertted inthe right vfe ofriches. 2 25 good. And in this degree alto riches may lavvfully be defired and fought : firíl, becaufe the holy Ghofi doth account this plentiful! eflate in it felfe more happie, then that of want, whereas it is Paid by Chrifl himfelfe; that it is a bleffed thing AEt.zo3 se to giue, rather then to receiue : and whereas God promifethD it as a blellìng to his people, that they fhould lend veto ma- ny, but not borrow of any. Secondly,becau(e we are taught by theexample of Apr to pray for this fufficiencie and con- Pro.3c.S. nenient plentie. And laffly,bccaufe God requireth ofvs that we be ready to performe thole good duties both publike and private veto others : as namdy,that we mull not only drinke ofthe water of ourowne ceflerne our felues,but alfomu. let our fountains flow forth,and ottr rimers o fwaters muff rim into thefireets; and not only labour to fuflaine our fel ues and fa- milie, but alto that we may giuevnto him that needeth. Vnto Eph.4.18. which we might icicle all thofe commandements inioyning, and exhortationsincouraging vs to giue veto the poore,and w do the workes ofinercie tothofe who need our hclpe; as all:, to giue tribute tothe Prince, and maintenance to thofe who labour in the worke of the miniflery : all which mani- fellly proue thelawfulnes of defiring and reeking this fc,ffici- encie ofriches and conuenient plenty, fo it be with modera- tion and with obferuance ofthe former cautions; for where any duty is commanded, there alto the meanes whereby we are inabled to performe it, are inioyned fo farce forth as we can compatl'e them by lawful mcanes.Vnto which we might alto adde, that the Lord in his infinite bounty and goodnes, hath not onlycreated fuch plentifull (lore ofthefe his crea- tures,as are fuffiicient for neceffitie, but allo for honefl corn- Leuit.zó.p. fort and delight,and hath in many placespromifed thisflore Deutzs.z.g. and plentie to thofe that feare and (crue him. 4.rt 130.9. The third degree ofriches is abundance and fciperfluitie, 4.Sea.s. whë a man bath more thé is fit for his place & calling,or thé Whether it be he can or wil irnploy to any good vfes.Now the quellió here tawfull to de- is, whether it be lawful for a Chriflian man to defre & feekerfrj huerlan" after this abundance and fuperfluitie ? For anfwering wherof we are to know, that this delire and feeking of abundance is to becondemned asvnlawful,not fimplie and abfolutely in it Q.- felfe,
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