Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

4 a Of the caution, to beobferttedin the right vie ofriches, example, the end of our defiring riches is, that by their vfe, wee may glorifie God, haue fufficient maintenance for our felues, and be able to relieue others, and confequently our delires are only fo farrelawfull as they are meafured and fit. ted to thefe ends; for in all thofe things whole goodneffe conlilleth in a due meafure and proportion, either the in. creafe or diminution of this meafure muff needes becuill. And therefore to delire more riches then wee either can or will vfe to Gods glorie,for our owne maintenance, or the reliefe of others, muff needs be euill and vnlawfull, becaufe our delires exceed the meafitre of thofe ends, for which only riches are good. 4.Secl.7. Secondly, this do fire of abundance, not thus to vfe it,but nefrreoffeper- to hold it in our own pofiflìon,and to make our feines rich, fluitiea frgneofis a notable ligne ofdilfidence and difàrufl; in Gods promi- diffrdenceasd les and prouidence,which maketh menthink that they haue dflrufl in God neuer fufñcient for their maintenance, and for the preuen- ring ofall cafualties and dangers of Joffe, which may befall them, although they haue alreadie one foote in the grate. Thirdly,abundance immoderately affeeied and accordingly obtained and poffeffed,is a notable meanes to puffe men vp with pride,to make them to forget God, to infult ouertheir brethren,as wee may fee in many cum in our daies, whoha- uing nothing in themfelues worth regard, but beingmife- rably poore inall vertue, wifedotne, and goodneffe, are yet exceeding proud oftheirriches, and infult ouer all who are inferiour vnto them in wealth, though they bee neuer fo much fuperiour in all graces and good parts. And this was Dout.x7.17, the cauie why the Lord did forbid eucnKings themfelucs to gather much liner, and gold, left their hearts being puffed vp with pride,thcy fhould be turned awayfrom God.Now if Kings whole royaltie is fo great, and wholeimployments fo manifold,both for maintenance oftheir eftate,and for de- fence of themfelues and their countrie, might not feekeex- ceffiue riches, and fuperfluous abundance; how much more vnlawfull is it in frtbie&s and inferiour perfoi)s,who haue no fuch vfe ofit? 4.Se17.3. Fourthly,that which wee may not pray for,that wee may W e may not not 14.lklC:.