Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. §. S.In what cafes the company of wicked worldlmgs is to be asrei- ded. 151 §.6.That the company of the wicked isforbidden and condemned. I52. g.7.That Gods faints bane carefully fhsenned the company of tfm. wicked. 153 §. 8. That wicked company it a notable inducement to draw vsin- tofanne. 154 §. 9. That in the former reffetl we are carefully to Jhunne wicked company. 155 5. r o. That it is hard to keepe company with the wicked, and not to be accef art' to theirfinnet. 15 7 §. i i. That keeping wiekd company brandeth our names with in- famie. 157 §. I z. Wicked company maketh vs liable to Gods itedgements. 1 58 §.13, That affinitiewith the wickedismofl dangerous. 159 CHAP. XVIII. That the company of the wicked is verie dangerous,by reafon ofeuill examples and corrupt communication. §.1. Wickedexamples allure and perfwadevs vetopine. 16o §. 2. Euill examples offtsperiours are mollpernicious. 162 §, 3,Euíllexamples nourifb pride,and hinder repentance. 162 §.,4, Euillexamples of the wicked vexe and griene Gods feruants 163. §. 5. If we do not follow the estill examples of the wicked, we pro- cure their hatred. 164 5.6. That the euillfpeeches of wicked men do much corrupt vs. 165. .That wicked men with their allurements and perfwafions draw our hearts from God. 165 §.8. That theft wicked allurements are very dangerous. 166 CHAP. XIX. That the friend(hip ofwicked worldlings is to be con- temned and carefully auoided. That