Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
230 Of the cautions to beobjerttedin the right vfeofrichet, gmdof,heir our defiring and feeking of them. Now wee are toVroceed roceed poffel :on. And to their lawfull vfe in refpc6 of their poflefïion, vntkwhich rurne onn4i' a is required, fiat, that hauing receiued thefe bleflìngs from Motto afthetnvnte j God, we doe attribute the pratfeand thankfgiuing vntohim God. alone, acknowledging whatfoeuer the meanes haue been, that he is the chiefe and principali caufe of all thofe bene. fits which wee enioy,and that wee haue receiued them from him without any our deferts, ofhis free grace and yodeler - Pfal,xzy.t.z, ued goodneffe. For except the Lord doe build the houfi, they labour in vaine that build ir. Yea in vaine it ie for vs to rife early,and to lie doEbne late, and to ease the bread offarrow, for the compaflingofthefeearthlythings ;feeing notw.ithfian. ding all this paines,ifGods bleflìngbeenotadded,wee may end our daies in want and beggerie. Let vs acknowledge Pfal.zq,x. him the foueraigne Lord ofall,for the earth is hir,and all that therein is, and hauing nothing to returne for all the benefits which we hold ofhim, let vs at leaa pay the tribute ofprMf and thankfgiuing, and expreffe our thankfulnes in allltolie obedience to his will. And this is that which God requireth Deut.F:xo. ofhis people.; When(faith he)thou haft eaten and filled thy feelf, thou 'halt Rife the Lord thy God, fer the good land which het hathgi teen thee. Whereas contrari wi fe if wee forget the au- Habac.x.t. thorofour good, and as the Prophet fpeaketh,facrificeto our owne nets, and borne incenf tour yarn, afcribing the praife ofrhat we haue,to ourowne wifedome, indu!Irie and labour,orelfe to any other.inferiour meanes and fecondarie caufes,we tlall robbe God of his glorie,and prouoking his HoIa,8,9 wrath againfivs, fhall moue him in difpleaütre,either to firip vs ofhis benefits, or to leave them veto vs for our fur - ther iudgement and condemnation. And of this finne the Lord forewarriesh his people: Bess'are (faith he) leg thou fay in thy heart, my pe ,-er and the flrength o fmine oene'hand,harh prepared me this abundance, But remember the Lord thy ggod; for it is he thatgiueth thee power to get jubslance. &c. 4;Secá.io. Secondly,being made partakers ofthcfebleflìngs, let vs That we janEli labour to fancgifiethem to our vfe by the word and prayer, ear them by as the Apofile requireth. Ofwhich I haue alreadie fpoken, there- word yt be intreating generally of the vfeof earthly things ;and fore.
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