Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of the telethons tobeobferetedinthela\bfirllvfrofriches. 2 3t their riches are not only lawfull vntó them, but alfo fweete' and comfortable; feeing they fecurely inioy them without feare of lofing them. To this purpofe one faith, that if Diaitia rcule.- worldly richesbe wanting; themuff not fecke them by euill rerfr¡rar c a meanes; if they bee prefent,wee mull referue themby our gaaranwr good workesinheaven; neither lhouldthey, though they ijundo :ft abound,litt vp-a manlyand Chriflian mind, nor breake and temadfu n,per ; call it downewvhen they goe way. Finally,ifwe doe not too bona opera f r_ much age&thern we will not glorie in them when we haue aenhfrirt f¢to, , $ them,nor bee much afhatned when we want them,neitherBonifac.epiR. will they,if we dice= them as vncertaine and momentany;z s.tom.z. triflrc,make vs to bee highminded, or to put our trufl and,/ Tim.6,i7. confidence in them. Finally ,welawfullypoffeffeviches, when aswee keepe a pec` vigilant watch ouer them,that they do 'not by-our abufe de- rbat waft generate from theirowne nature, and become Satansbaitecarefrdtty rake to allure vs,norhis fnares to intangle vs; nor his themes to beetle left oar choake in vs the feed of Gods word, and to hinder the rifbesbtcome Satans Tome growth of Gods graces in. vs; nor that cold water,where- ,andfnares. with hee quencheth in. vs our zeale of godlineffe, and the good motions of Gods fpirit. If then we would haue our riches in the políeflion good and lawfull, wemull carefullie take heed that they doe not make vs turne backe, not flat ken outpace in the way of righteoufneffe which leadeth to . life euerlafling,and that they be not tentations,which draw vs vnto finne and rebellion againfi God, by too much affea Ding them,trufling in them, or being proud of them. But . confidering that they are part of that ternporall Wages which God freely giuethvsforoutfcruice ,let this bountic make vs the more to loue our benefac`lour, and thefe re- wards make vs more dutiful( and obedient. And lallly,wec mull not hold them in ourpolfcffìon,as being Lords,and ab- folúte owners of -them; but as tenants at :will, who, have them but at the pleafure of our great Land-lord,vntowhom wemull giue an account ofthem atthe day ofiudgement; and fo (hall we not riotoufly miffpend them vpon our ovine Luk.r a.z, lulls and pleafures,nor imploy them as inflruméts to further vs in the .courfe.of finne : but carefully vie them asGods flewards