Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

234 Of the caution' to beobfernedinthe lawful! vfe,ofriches. flewa rds for the glorie of tour trìallet,and forthe good :gfout fellow- feruants, for whole fake alfo wee haue "receitled them. 4,Sea.13. And fo much concerning the lavvfull poffefìîon of riches. oftbeizm ¡dl The laa thing required to their lawfull vfe refpedteththeir vfè Irflb s.vs adminifiration and beflowing ; and chis is,that they be be- 27, flowed vpon good,iufl and charitable vfes,thewhich either beßowing. refpeél our felues ,whopoffeffèthem,or other men to whom they ought to be communicated. The vfe which refpeeleth the owners themfelues is,that they imploy their riches to the good,preferuation, defence and comfort,ofthemfelues, ac- 'cording to their perfon, efface.atid, calling ; and alto of all others,who are committed to their charge and gouernment. And veto this two things are required, firfl, par1nronie or thriftines,wherby we honefily (pare our goods,and preferue them fró being wailfullyand riotoufly confumed.Secondly, frugalitie,wherby we honeflly (pend our well gotten goods foberly, and moderately vpon ourowne good and neceffa- rie vfes,for our profit and honefl delight. The former the Wife manperfwadeth vs vnto in the feuen and twentithof Pro 2.7,13. the Prouerbs: Re. dilige rt te knew theflate of thy Poke, and 26.-7 takí heed to thy heardr, &c. The other in che words follow- PrO.3 I. ing : The lambci are for thy clothing, and the goat" are the price ofthefeld; andlet the milke_ofthygoate" hefufcientfor thyfood, and for the food of thy family. So he faith elfcwhere, that here is nothing becter then that amanfbould reioycein EccIef,3.zz. hieaffaires,becaxfe that is hie portion : and that it icgoad and and 5.17. comely to Late and tedrink,and to take pleafure efale man" la- boeor,wherein he traxelleth voider the funne, &c. For Ibis isthe gift ofqod, Here therefore two extreames are to be auoided; the fini is fordidous tenacitie, the other is lauifh profufion and waflfulneflè. The former vice, as it is hurtfull to all o- thers,fo efpecially to him that is corrupted with ir, feting like a theefe he robbeth himfeif ofthe vfe ofhis own goods, and as well wanteththat he hath, as that he hath nor; but of this I (hall haue occafion to fpeake hereafter. The other is the immoderate waging ofa mans goods;when as he fpends theft bleflïngs ()Mod lauilhly,and about his ability, wher- by