Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

236 Thecautio ss to 6c obf rued in the !s*wfitll v è ofriche, firli breath,withall other worldly comforts. 4,Sec ,14, Lalily, ourgoods and riches are lawfully vfed in refpea xidns are writ of private perlons, when as they arc bellowed in relieuing beflowed *ben the poore members ofIefus Chrill. For to this vfe we haue msbtbrmwe receiued them ofGod ,thatwefhouldnotmiff endthemin scheme ;be p poore. exccffe,vanitie and riot;but that as Gods ficward,we fhould imploy them to the honour of our mafler,and the good of our fellow- feruants. And this was figured vnto vs in the ga- thering ofManna, ofwhich the Ifraelites hauing gathered Exod.tó,t 7, fome more,and Come leffe,did afterwards meafure it with an tg. Omer, and he that had gathered match, badnothine oaaer, and be that had gathered little, had no lacke: As the A.poflle alto applieth it. And thisis the caufe why the Lord would haze 2.Cor.8.t4.1-5. the poore amongfi vs, who could (ifit had fopleafed hint) Pro.p .zO. haue made all rich,that as hereby he might exercife them in humilitic and patience,fo allo the rich in liberality and mer- cie,and accordingly might giue vnto either a crowne of dadluir t. 4. glory at the day of iudgement. Of which reward they do pauper. not only depriue themfelucs, who negleól to make this vfe oftheir riches,bu t alto for negleaing the worker of mercie, and robbing their fellow - feruants of that portion which God hach allotted vnto them, endanger their. bodies and foules to the eternall torments ofhell fire. For(as one faith) ChriFt condemneth the rich men in the twelfthandfixteexth of Luke,not becaufe they got their richer by wicked meaner, or k- E ffotbed them vpon harlotr,or to the prepetrating ofmorther or zceh,16.v.45., other wickedneffe ; but becaufetheygauethemfelner wholly otter to pride and delicacie, neglefting the rehefe of Chris poore members. CHA Po