Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of pleafure, and the diner: kinds thereof: 237 CHAP. V. Ofpleafuret,lalbfull, ciuill and carnall,trhtch are to bede- fired,andlbhich to bee contemned and fhunned.. Nd thus much for the IawfulI vfe of riches. 4.Set7.I. o In the latl place we are to adde fomething ofdiuine plea, ofpleafures, and to confider how farre forth furese they are to bee defired, as lawful! and com- mendable,whereby alto wemay more eafilie difcerne in what refpe &s wee are to efchew andcontenrP,e them. To which purpofè we are to know, that pleafures are of three kinds : the 6rI1 diuine and holy; the fecond naturali and ciuill, the third carnal! and wicked. Diuine pleafure is, when as we delight in the Lord, andreioyce in the fruition of his gifts and graces in this life, and in our affuranceof thofe heauenly ioycs in the life to conic. And voto this pleafure as being not onely lawfulI,but religious, holy, and very commendable, we are in many places of the Scriptures exhorted. So the Apofile willeth him, that reioyceth to re- 2.Cor,roa7. ioycein the Lord. And in anotherplace; Reioycein the LordPhd4.4 alway;againe, Ifeyreioyce. So as wee ought thus to reioyce, and to reioyceagaine with a double ioy ; yea,and not fome- time alone,but alwaies:and as he faith elk s''here,roemuf re- r,TheL5t6. ioyce continually: not onelywhen we abound in wordly pro - fperitie,but wen in aft7i &ion : for as theApofilc faith, being Rogt.5.1.3. iuffifted by faith, and hawing peace with God, we reioyce not only vnder the hope of theglory ofgod,butalfoin tribulation. And x.Sam.3o,6 thus Dauidcomforted himfelfin the Lord,when as the peo- ple were readieto (lone him: and the Apoflles reioyced,be- M.541. caufe they were countedworthy to fuller rebuke for Chrifl; and Paul and Stlaa when they were fore whipped, and put Mt.'s. into a cruel! prifon. 4,Sea.2. And this is that principall by and pleafure which euery Divine lra- Chriflian ought chiefly to affe& and deliire, as being mofi a ésnuch ç:rcellent,fweetand comfortabie. Which,howfoeuer car -to bedefired. nail