Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

a; 8 Ofpleafere and thedieter, kinds thereof. nail men cannot rellifh, but thinke it tedious and loathfome; yet to thofe that haue euer truly tit fled of it, it is much more comfortable and delight ill then all worldly and wicked fohn 4.34 pleafures. An example whereof wee haue in our Sauiour Chrifl,who accounted it mear and drinke to doe the will of Iohnepìll. ;, his heauenly Father:andin his belouedApoflle,whoprofef- verf.4. feth, that he had no greater ioy then this, that chore whom he had begotten vnto God did walke in his truth. And holy Pfal.9.z.scr3.5 Dauidcallech God his ioy, affirming that he *ill de glad and resayce in him and in kirfaluation, andmercie which he exten- uiae goon- ded to him. So that the ioy and pleafttreofa Chriflian cou- nihomiuicon- uerted vnto God is not taken away, but onely changed, yea turfs ad neura bettered in the change, as much as the Creator excelleth the rnxtatur dela- creature heauen earth ; and his fpirituall graces and eternali aatio,',mantra ' > > p a delicia ; nan excellencies, the momentanie and bate trifles of the world. enimf+,bcra- And therefore if our hearts were trulyfan6tified, and we but ho ncur,jedmu- a little inured to there heauenly ioyes and pleafures, wee aanrur. would but a little efleeme the finfull pleafures ofthe flefh, Pfalm. which nowbecaufe we are carnally minded we fo much dote 74. e.narrat. vpon. 4.Sull.3. The fecond kind of pleafures are thofe which are naturali ofnarurauand and ciuil,when as we ioy and reioyce in the fruition ofGods civa pleafures, temporali and earthly blefíings and benefits:the which plea. widths: they 1lire is in it owne nature good,but yet not abfolutely and im- are in their own mutablie and in rcfpedl of the vfe of an indiffèrent nature, nature good,but , in refleaf ofvs good to the good, who haue a right vfe of it, and euill to o /an indifferent thofe who abufe it vnto finne. Concerning the former ; Na- nanny, and as turali pleafures which confifl in meats,drinkes,apparel,hou.. they arevfed. fes, muficke, recreations, and in the fruition of other Gods comfortable biefíïngs & benefits, are to thofe that vfe them well lawful', good and commendable. Firfl,becaufe theyare the gifts of God which he hath purpofely prouided for vs in the creation, and befloweth them vpon his feruants, as in- couragements to moue them veto more chearefull obedi- ence. For as the Pfalmifl faith, he hach not only made bread Praia o4tf. toftrenQthen mans heart, boit so/fo wine which msoketbg/sod:he heart ofman,and "de to makehis face Thine. He hath prouided for his children not only things neceffarie and profitable,but alto r