Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Natural! and ciui!l pleafares are goodin themfelues. 239 alfopleafantand comfortable, fettling for their honell de- light; as appeareth in the várietie ofcolours, finelles, táttes, metals,(tones, fruits, beans and birds: the lawful! and de- lightful! vfe whereof Gods children cannot refute without contempt,or atleaft negleé of the Creators bounty.Againe,. the Lord hath mixed the fe pleafures with all our naturali aótions, as eating, drinking, fleeping, and the rett, that we might be mouedto do chofe things which are neceßârie,be- caufe they are alto pleafant and delightful.Aud therefore we are notto reieel and contemne pleafures, feeing they are the bountifihll gifts ofGod,buttoimploythem fo as that they may tend to the glorie of him who gane them, and to the furthering ofour owne fpirituall good; neither is their vfe, but their abide only to be taken away. To this purpofe one faith, that the matter of our pleafures which we enioy are -the 1rb Ìgor moral; gifts of God, as meats and drinkes, hoofing and;rspparell, &e: and therefore let vs heafhamedto turn Gods graces and free gifts into weapons of vice; for wee fballgrieuoufly inflame the wrath of the fupreame Judge againJJ vs, :faith bis owne liberall gifts we fight againfi his bountie. Secondly, thefe pleafures well vied are warranted and ap- 4SeFl.4. proued in the Scriptures:for fo the Wife man faith,that there Rowell pleafures u a time to weepe, anda time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a warranted by time toda nce; andthatitis good and comely to eat and todrin &e, tbescriptares. and to tae lea urein all a mans labours, &c. or thin is his or- cdef.3 4. k P f f P Cap.g.r. tic» ryeawearecommandedtocommunicatewithoneano - therinourioy, àttdtoreioicewiththemthat.reioice:thewhich Rom.rx.r5.. was accordinglypraétifedby the Chrifliansin the Primitiue Church, whomet together at theirloue- feafts, and did Bate their meat together !btthgladneffe,andfrnglenejeof heart; and greatly defired by the Pfahnill, namely, that he might re- ioyce in the ioy ofGods people, and glorie with his inheri- tance. And in truth thisis not only fauce for our meat which maketh it Tweet & comfortable, but the feafoning ofal other Gods temporallbenefits,without whichwe hauelittle com- fort of them. For what would it auaile vs to be exalted to the feate ofhonor,or to aboundwith earthly riches,ifwe fhould take no delight or pleafure in them ? And this is the Wife mans