Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. g. t. That true friendhip le much to be efteemed. 167 S. 2.1n what retells foend4bip with the wicked it to beartoided. t68. 5.3. That we cannot holdfrierdflsip with worldlings,andpeaeeavith Gad, a69 5.4. That friendt ip with worldling: it f elfe and counterfeit. 169 3 j.That worldly friendc forfakevsinthe time of triad whenwe need ntol their hclpe. 171 §. 6.Warldly friends in time of adnerjitie oftentimes become ene, mie :. 172 5.7. Worldly friend lappernicious to our/miles. 172 5.8. Their ebaelbon a; f vered who tray they Kane had no hurt by the friendjhip of the wtcl¿ed; t 73 The fecond Booke. 7 he ehiefe points containedin thefecond Borke. CHAP. 7. Ofthofe tentations generally which are grounded vpon worldly things. 5.1. That theft. worldly things are Satan; chiefs baites to draw our heartsfrom God. 176 § z. That theft. worldly things, honors , riches,and pieafures , are in their own: nature good, and the gi fts of God. 177 g. s. That theft worldly things are mutably good , and therefore f t b t s h l t o abuse and corruption. 178 . 1. Thnt me ought not to retell theft worldly things,but their a- bef ar. 179 s. j. To the right of of worldly things it required , firfl, that our perlons be regenerate. 1843 5. 6. That we mull not suer value theft earthy things ,orpreferrs them before Godsf iríssrallgraces. 18 i s. 7.7'hatwe are not to fee our hearts and affel.7ions vpen theft. worldly things. 182. Thar tee muffftrfifeekeffiritaa lland beauenly things , and 'bile
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