Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

240 Naturt !!andciissllpleafirres awe goodin themfeluet. mans conclufion ; Il¿non, faith he, that there is nothinggood in them, but to reioyce and do goodin his life. f .Seft.5. Thirdly, chele natural( and ciuill plcafures which we take katarallasd in the fruition ofGods temposall blcffìngs,do ferue to good riuiup;eafures ends and purpofes ; for they are the matter of Gods praifes, écod nds andpur- and Ipeciall motives to flir vs vp with cheerefull hearts, to pies. laud and magnifie his great and glorious name, when as he not only beftoweth vpon vs things ncceffarie and profitable for the preferuation ofour liues, but alto in hisinfinit boun- tie giucth vs to inioy things pleafant and delightfull,where- by our hues arc nmadefweet and comfortable. A:nine, this ioy and plealure is that precious oyle, wherewith beingan- nointed,the countenance is made lonely and pleafant : for fo the Wife man faith, that a joyful! heart mak th a cheerefàfl and r',sa, countenance.It is a foueraigne balfome for a wounded fettle, and a precious preferuatiue to continue our health: for as the Wife man faith, o/I ioyfisll heart caufah good heaith,but afar.. ronfullminddrieth the bones. Yea it is the life of our life, and a chiefe meanes ofprolonging our dales. In which refpei the Sonne of Syrisch exhorteth vs to delireand affe &it: Ghee z 2.53. not osier (faith he) thy mind to heasinef e, and vex not thy felfo in thine(mtecosinfed the toyofehe heart ú the kfeofman, and a mans gladnef fe ú the prolonging of his dales. Lone thine own: fettle andcomfort thine heart, drisse forran farrefrom thee, for entocritns forran bath Elaine many,andthere át no profit therein.To which spud stobsum. purpofe another compareth a mans life which hath no plea - fures or delights, to a long iorney without Innes; in which there is much trauaile, and no comfort orrefrelhing. Laaly, thefe pleafures fit and inablevs the better to ferue God, both in the duties ofreligion,and in the workes ofour fpecial cal - lings : and that lira as they are incouragements,which make vsperforme thefe duties with alacritie and chearefulnes, not only inrefpe& of the prefentfruition ofthefe earthly plea - fures,as being the fweeteil reward ofour labours which this world affordeth, but as they ferue to put vs in mind ofthofe eternal! andvnconceiueable pleafiures and ioyes, which are referued for thofe that ferue and feare the Lord in his hea- uenlykingdome. And therefore hath the Lord giueuvnto vs