Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
242 Cautions tobeobferuedinlamfnllpleafnre s. wicked man affeóling pleafures; what pleafures-can there be fo long as thy limes which oblige thee to eternal] punifh- i.King 9.a2. merits remaine vnpardoned? But afterwe haue the remiflîon of fin, peace with God, and peace of confcience,and in lieu ofthankfulnesfpend our ilrengthin his feruice, then is the time ofdefiring thefe pleafures, that we may the better Cher- by beinabied to theleduties. Whereby it may appeare, that there pleafures and delights are not only lawful] to the god- ly and faithful], but fo appropriated and peculiar vnto them, as that they belong to none befides them : and there- fore the Pfalmill exhorting men to thisioy, doth dire& his Pfal.3 r..t I. fpeech only to the faithful!: Be glad (faith he) yetrighteotu, and 33.1. andreioycein the Lord, and de ioyfullall ye that are vpright in heart : and in the next Pfalme : Reioyce in the Lord, Oye righ- teens, for it 6ecornmeth vpright wren to be thankeful/, 4.Seí1.7. Sccondly,ourpleáfures mull be moderately cfleemed and We mua not affeéled according to their ovine nature and worth,and not ouerualuetbtm, preferred either in our iudgements or delires, either before aerhe'atty ourfpirituall ioy in God, or the eternall ioyes ofhiskinb dome; with which ioyes when they come in comparifon they are to be contemned, and to be loathed and reie&ed when as they will not (land together. So that if we would haue there pleafures lawfull, wee muff neither ouerualue them in our judgements, nor let our hearts and affe6lions vpon them,which ought to be referued- for thofe other joies offarre greater excellencie, but only efleerning and louing them, as the traueilerdoth the plea furesòfhis Inne-and the pilgrime thole delights which he paffeth by in his way : and t.Cor.y.3o. as the Apoflle exprefferhait, reioycing as though we reioyced not; let vs place our chicle joy in the Lord, and principally e(teeme and al eétthatfulmeffe of fey which we (hall haue in Pfalm.tó.rr. Gods prefence;and tkafe vr.fpeákeable pleafures,which arc at his right hand for euei more. §.Sd1.8. Thirdly, as we mull moderate our affeélions, fo our plea O r pleafares lures themfelues muff be moderate : for beine not abfolute- themieluesmuîil y goon but as they are referred voto and limirced by their bemoderar, attd refeirrdtotheir ends: therefore when they exceed these id] :Ids, they lawful ends.). Acgencrateand become euill and vnlaw full, Now the chicle to Gods glorie. cod
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