Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Carotene to be oblerueel in lal%fu11 pleafures. zq.; andprincipall end ofourpleafttres ought to be the glorie of God ; when as we therefore vie them not only that we may with all thankcfulneflé acknowledge his greatbountieand goodnes towards vs, but alto may be the better inablcd to fettle him with all cheerefulnes in -the duties of religion and Chrillianitie ; and therefore we muff take heed if we would haue our pleafores lawful,that they further this end;and that they doe not take vp that time which is allotted voto the feruice ofGod, nor yet be vied in fuch exceffé and fo immo- derately, as flail make vs more unfit for the performance of thefe holy duties. In which refpe& chofe offend who pro- phane the Lords day which he bath fet apart for his feruice, by (pending it about their owne pleafures and recreations: as Era,' 58.13. alto they who fo immoderately vfe thofc pleafures ofeating, drinking,exercife and the refl,that they are more fit to sleep; then to ferue God in any dutie whichhe requireth. The other end ofpleafures is our own good, when as they 4.Sel7.9. tend to the preferuation of our health, and to the better fit- oar pfeafares ting of vs for all good duties of our callings : wherein this men be eefer- rule istobe obferued, that we doe not fo much adds our red to the good felues vnto themas that by theirimmoderate vie we impaire bo:h e f oarals > andbodies. the health of our foules, nor fo much abitaine from them, as that by vtter negle fingthem, we ouerthrow the health of our bodies. In which refpedt it ishard todetermine of a iufi proportion,feeing the quantity differeth according to the perfons, and the callings alto wherin they are imployed : for forne bodies require more -pleafure 'for the preferuation of their health,and fume leffe : fome callings aremore painfull, fpending the fpirits and confrtming the llrength, and fome more eafie andbetter indured. And therefore Chriflian cretion is heere required, that thereby pleafures may be pro- portioned and fitted to the perfon and (late ofhim that vfeth them: and ftillobferuing thefe ends,we are to take heed that we do not vnderpretence ofvfing pleafures for out health, abide them in exceffeand hamlet of thefe fweet delights; fee ingnothingmore cloth weaken our flrength, impaire our health, nor more fpeedily bring defperate difcafes and vn- timely death, then the immoderate vie of thefe pleafures.As R a _ all()