Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

" 244 Cautions to be obfers+eel in lawful!pleafures. allo we ntull vfe the like care that we do not by them make our felues more vnfitfor the duties ofour callings,by making our recreations our trades and occupations, (pending both our time and flrength in them, whereas they fhould only re- frefh and fit vs for our lawful! labours, and ncceffarie bu- fìneffe. §.Seei.Io. Laflly, ifwe would haue our pleafures lawlull yneo vs, let wemsft care_ vs carefully watch over our (clues in the vfe of them, that fully take heed they be not veto vs Satans nets of perdition through our that Satan dath corruption, whereby hecatcheth and intangleth vs in finne: not ti ice yr neither is there anymore vfuall or yet more dangerousbaite hires, wherewith he allureth vs unto finne,then by offering vnto vs thefe pleafing delicates ofpleafure and delight.And therfore we muff notwith vnbridled affeElions rufh vpon them ; but before we give them entertainment we mull againe & again confider, firft, whether they be lawful!, and then how they may be lawfully vfed,carefully referring them to thofe good ends for which they were ordained, and vfing them with moderation both in refpeEtofour affections, and alto of the things themfelues. But elpecially we muff take heed that we do not fully ref! in thefe temporali and natural! pleafures, as being our lafl end and chiefe happineffe; affeEling to haue our Paradife in this world;for fo they willbecomethe diuels birdlime, in which when we haue wallowed, we fhall not be able to mount aloft inheauenly meditations; and notable impediments to hinder vs from the fruition of thofe euerla- flingioyes in Gods kingdome: but we muff only vfe them as helpes and meanes to further and haften our fpeed in our fpiritual race,and as reafons Et motiues to make vs affe6t that heauenly by and pleafure with more ardent loue: conclu- ding with our felues, that if thefe earthly delights bec fo fwcet and comfortable, then how many, yea infinit degrees more excellent and admirable ioyes (hall we haue in hearten, when we fhail haue the fruition of God himfelfe, and ofall thole pleafures which he hath prepared for his Saints, and that without the mixture of anymiferie orafliiction! And thus much concerning the fecond kind ofpleaítres which are natural! and ciuill.The third and lafl kind are carnall and worldly