Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That we are moll prone to Jule thefe earthlythings. 245 worldly pleafures, as furfettingand drunkenne(fe, chambe- ring and wantonneffe,Iufland vncleanneffe,vnlawfull (ports and recreations: all which being in themfelues euill and wicked, are not onely to be contemned,but even hated and abhorred of all Chritlians. CHAP. VI. That we are exceeding prone to abufe thole earthly blef_ fings,whereby they become the diesels pares to Entangle vs in time. Nd thushaue I (hewed the goodnes of theft 4,Seîl.i earthly things in their own nature;and alto Thatthrough how they may bee lawfully vied ofvs, fo as our corruption, they may be truely good and comfortable : weabufe Gods from whencealfo we may vnderfland how tarthlpbleQings. they degenerate from their owne nature,andbecomecuili; namely,when as they are abufed by vs, the formercautions and couditions,concerning their getting, keeping, imploy_ ing and vfing,being negledled and not obferued. Now we are to know, through the corruption of our nature, we are exceedingly prone to this abufe; and whereas by thefe blef- fings of God,we (hould bemade more thankfull, and more obedient,contrariwife, wee abiding Gods gifts, are vfually made by them moreforgetful) ofGod, more cold and neg- ligent in performing ofall good duties, and more prone to fall into any nmanneroffinne, as both the Scriptures them- felues,and the experience ofall ages doe plainelymanifeff. All which commeth to paffe for want of due care in obfer- uing the former cautions which are required to their lawful vfe,and efpeciallybecaufe in our iudgements we ouerualue them,and in ourharts too much loue and affeé them,prefer- ring them before Gods fpirituall graces,and heauenly excel- lencies, yea, loving and of ccming the creature better then the Creator; in regard whereof,men areready to hazard the loife of there things,which are ofinfinit more valew, by ta- king any wicked and vnconfcionable courfes, either for the 3 getting