Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That thefe earthly things abufed become fnares tint V!. 247 fing the meanes of attaining voto a competencie ofriches, for the maintenance of our felues, and thofe who are com- mitted to our charge, couetoufneffe incroacheth vpon vs, and fixing our hearts to this earthly Mammon,maketh vs to delire fuperfiuities,and ready to vfe any means for the cotn- paflìng ofthem. And thus whilell we open the doore ofour hearts to giue entertainement voto our friends, dangerous enemies attending on them, doe thrullin vpon vs at vna- wares, and before we haue any leifure to thinke ofkeeping them out,and oppofing againli them. Which being entred doe keepe open the dore for the rell of their companie,aud fo llrengthen and backe one another with all their forces, that it is hard, yea altogether impoffible to difpoffeffe and call them out, vnleffe we be mightily affified by the fpirit of God. For delire of honours bringeth in delire ofriches;and riches being entred,doe make way for voluptuoufneffe. To which purpofe one faith, that defire of glory inflameth our hearts with the loue of riches; andforglories fab`e doe men pro- Matt .6.Hom. aide trooper orferuants,flately horfes adorned withgolden trap- aoa. pings andrich furnitureand the likc,nsttofatisfenece itie, nor becaufethemfelnes tape any great delight an it,but that they may let out their pompe to the publ.che view. Howfoeuer,it cannot bee denied, but that when any of thefe vices haue taken firong poffeflìon,there is often oppofltion betweene them, by which garboile we haue as much trouble and moleftati- on,as at firll we had danger when they entred into vs. In regard of which their power and potencie in preuai- ,Sett. . ling with vs, Satan doth twit vfually imploy their llrength 4hat Satan v ¡u- to make a way & entrance for his tentations,fetting before ally maketh vs the bootie either of honours, riches and pleafures, when the! e earthly he intendeth to draw vs into his fecret ambufhments and things. to ferne mares of finny. And thus he began with our fir(1 parents ,a1- a° baits to al. g P lure vs unto luring them to brcake the commandement of God in eating rinse. of the forbidden fruite; becaufe it was pleafant to theeie, Gen.3. profitable for the gaining of knowledge, and would ad- concupifcentia uance them unto fueh a glorious ellate, that theyfhould be rtetarel sod equal( with God hirnfelfe; and with the fame alluring baits deligno lento bath he intangled and infrared all their pofleritie,as the ex- gufiatterunt; & R 4 perience concrapifcentaa
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