Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. there earthly things in the !aftplace. 28s 6.9. That we mull not feeke thefe earthly thingfor their ovine fak°. 286 5. i o. That we muff vfe thole meanes only which are la:rfull for the campa ling of thefe earthy things. 187 S. ix. Of the lawfull vie of thefe earthly things in regard of our po ffefng and difbólïng than. 187 CHAP. II. Ofhonors,and what cautions and conditions ate requi- red unto them, that they may be veto vs good and lawful;. 5. r. Of the diners kinds of honours. 188 S. a. That honour in it fel fe is good and lawful'. 189 5.3 . That honour: (erne for diner: good vies. 191 4.4.The lanfulneffe of honours proud from the example: of thole who ham bene truly honorable. 192 §. S. That wemußfirftandprincipaly feekehonorfrom god. 192 S. 6. That in the next place, wemuftfeeke to be honored of thegood and vertuous. 19; 7. Whether it be lawfulltodefire praife of wickedmen. 194 S. 8. That honour is only to be dIred for verrue: and good anion:. 295 5.9.7 hat we ought to of fell filch honours at ire moderate , and proportionable to our deferts. 197 S. i o.That honours ought :sotto be immoderately defired. 1, 8 S. I I. That good meanes only mutt be vied for the obtain-its of honours. 299 5.12. That we muff not propound our owne honour :as our chtefe and main end. 2 00 5.13. W mug not let honour rill with vs , but return: it wholly vnto Goä 202 5. 14. We mutt employ our honours vntegoodv/es. 203 S 2 5. Tkat lawfullhonours are to be de fired for Gods glory. 2.o3 S. I6 . That we are todefïre lawful!honors for our neighbors good, and firfl, becanfe thereby he dodo his dutie. 2o4 5. 17. We mufî defire lawf all honour that our neighbour may be thereby
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