Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. thereby edified. 205 s. 18. That we mußpreferueour honour and geed name to ,woide fcandall. 20 5 5.19. That we ought to defire honour for our owne fake. , that it may reuiueand refrefli vs. 206 §. 20. That ware bound by Gods corunvandentent to prc }true our honour andgoodname. 207 CHAP. III. Ofrichcs, and that they are good in themfelues,and in. different in refpe6 of their vfe. §. 1. That riches are goodin their owns nature. 209 2, That riches are mutably good and of no great excellency. 209."' §. 3. That riches are of an indi ferent nature in reif ea of their vfe. 210 §. 4. Riches are truly good to the regenerate,who haue a right vfe o fthem, 21 o §. S. Riches are the inftreements and meanesofwelldoing, 211 §. 6. The rea. on of the following difcourfc. 213 §. 7. That riches are notto be reiehled, becaufe they are the 61ef- lings of God. 214 §. 8. Why riches are called the mammon of iniquitie. 214 g 9. Inwhatfeues the Apoflles are faid to haueforfaken all. 216 §.10.ThePaying of Chrifl to theyang man expounded. 217 CHAP, IIII. Ofthe manifold cautions and conditions which are re- quired to the right and lawfull vfe ofriches. That we muff not oiler value riches in our iudgements abone their worth. 218 §. 2. Richesmuff not be immoderately a fehledand defred. 220 §. 3. Of the quantifie of riches which is to be defired: that is, fo . much as is nece f furie. 2 2 2 §. 4. That itislawfulltodefrefufficieutplentie, 224 5.5. whether it be lauf dl todefire abundance of riches. 225 g,6.That
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