Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. §. 6. That it Ic Ion/awful/for yr to defirefuperfuirie. 227 §7. Defìre of fuperfiiiititie is a fgne of diffidence aiddirulf in God. 228 5.g. we may not pray for abundance, and therefore not &fire ir. 228. §.9.Of the right vfe of riches in regard of their pofejon: that we muff return the prafe of them veto God. 229 §. 10. That we fancTli fie them to our vfe , by theword , andprayer: and that we do not fer our hearts vpin them. 230 §. II . That we muff be contented With our elfate, and be willing to frane our riches when God raleeth them away. 23 . §. i 2. That we muff carefully take heed left ourriches become Sa- tam baites and fnares. 233 §.13. Of the lawfull vii of riches in reified of their difpofin, and bellowing. 234 §. r4. Riches are well bellowed when with them we relieue the poore. CHAP. V. Ofpleafures, lawful!, ciuill, and carnali; which are to . be defired; and when to be contemned 3c fhunned. §.1.0 f diuine pleafures. 23 7 S. 2.Diuinepleafures are much to be def :red. 237 §.`3.0 fnatatralland ciuill pleafures, and that they are in their own nature good , but in rerfea of vs, of an indifferent nature, and as they are vfed. 238 §. 4. Honeffpleafures warranted by the Scriptures. 239 §. 5. Naturall andciouíl pleafures feriae to good ends and purpofes. 240. §. 6. Thar veto vs pleafures are of an indifferent nature , holding their goodnefeonely when they are wellvred, vnto which le required that our perfons be tuffif ed. 241 5.7. We mull notouer -value them, nor immoderately ifeU them. 242' 4.8. Our pleafures themfeluer muff be moderate, and referred to their lawfull ends, fir/! to Gods glory. 242 g.9. Our pleafures mull be referred to the good both of our foules and bodies. 24 3 §.io.We
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