Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. S. 20.We muff carefully take heedthat ayatando not intangle vtin thefepleafures. 244 CHAP. VI. That we are exceeding prone to abufe thefe earthly, Wettings, whereby they become thediueis hares to intangle vs in fnnne. §. I. That through our corruption we abufe Gods earthly bief_ frogs, 245 5.2, That theft earthly things throughour abufe become the mat- ter fmanygrteuosts tentations. 246 § 3. That Satan vfaally maketh thefe earthly things to [erne no baites to allurevr unto/inne. 247 5.4. Honorsplunge meninto many dangerous tentations. 248 §. 5. That richer are the occafions of many dangerous tentations. 2q.9. §.6.That tentations grounded upon pleafures are very dangerous. 250. 5.7. he what rd ens theft earthy things are to be defired , and in what reffeQer to be contemned. 251 $. 8.Theft earthly things are chiefly abufed when we make idélsof them. 252 5.9. That itbecometh Chrifliansto contemne thefe earthly vani- ties, and to affell thefeheaueny excellencies. 254 CHAP. VII. Qfthefignes whereby we may knowwhether we be infe6ted with the loue of the world. §. I . T hefarfl g ue is to rh.'nke on thefe earthly vanities with grea- tefl pleafare andvrwearied delight. 257 5.2. The fecondfagne is to seakZeofthem withgreateff delight and comfrt, 259 §. 3. In what ferne our much thinking and leaking of worldly . things A ef?nes of the loue of the world. 260 5.4. The third fgneoc when we moll defre thefe earthly things, take muff care and pains in compajfing them. 2 61 S. 5. Thefourth Agile is when we take mofl icy in kseping, and moll grefe