Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. griefe in lofing them. i64 S. 6. In whatfenfe our ioy and t riefeabout theft ear things are fgnes of our lone ofthe world. 266 CHAP. VIII. That the bea things in the world are but meere vanities, in comparilon ofGods fptrituall graces, and heauenlyexcellencies. S. r .That the beeg are too much tainted with the loue of the world. 267. S. 2, Remedies to cure the direafe of worldlyloue. 268 S. 3. That the befl things the world can boafl of are but mepre va. nudes. S..}.The vanitie ofworldlj things proued by te1limonier. 27 f S. The vanitie of worldly things praised by Salomon: teflimoty. 272. S. 6. T bat theft worldly things are of no great excellency feting they are but gods common gifts. 275 S. 7.That God bellows honours au well vpon the wicked as vpon the godly. 275 s. S. Reprobates aboundwith riches as much as Gods fertsants.276 S. g.Thewicked worldling batha greater flare of worldly plea- foires, then GodsBeare children. 277 S. r o. That the commonn: f fe of theft earthly gifts , Jiieweth their vtlitieand bafene f fe. 278 CHAP. IX. That there worldly things haue their goodneffe oncly from opinion,and from comp etition,a nd from difficulty in obtaining,& from their rarenes in enioyi rg. S. I. That worldly things bane their chiefe excellency from opinion. 280. 5. z. Opinion maksrh honours fomuch af ílsd. 28( S. 3. That opiniongiteeth riches their chiefe excilency. 282 5.4 That there is no excellency in worldly plea /carer, bat »hat o pinion imprts unto them. 283 5.5 .That
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