Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. §. 5. That worldly things are more commended unto vs by eager competition then by any felfe excellency. 284 5. 6. Honours haue a great part of their efleeme from competition andfoalfo riches andpleafures. X86 §. 7. Worldly things are commended vnto vs by the difficulties we finds in obtaining them. 288 §. 8. Difcultie in obtaining them mah`eth honours and riches fo much to be efleemed. 289 §. 9. Pleafures are valued according to the pains which is take. n in compang them. §. t o. Worldly things are efleemed more for their rareneire then . for their goodneffe. 292 CHAP. X. Of the vanitieofworldlyglorie, popularitie,prioritie, and the fauour of Princes. §. t .That vainnglorie is not true honour,but falfe and counterfeit; S. z. That world yglorie is vaine and vnpro fituble. 295 §. 3. That contempt o fvainglorie is enioyned vs in the Scriptures. 297. §. 4; That it isgreat folly to a ffee7 vaine glorie. 298 5.5. That true glorie con iieth not in vulgar praifes, but in the approbation of God, and the teflrmonies of our none con- fciences. . 300 §.6. That it is now vnreafonable tofeeke for glorie. lot 5.7 .That it is. great folly to ti il popularisa:, and impoffible to pleafe the multitude. Soi §. 8. That it os impofbletoplefe the multitude and pleafe God. 303. S. 9. That popularitie is the vaine o fmuch wicker uef f e. 304 5. r o. The vanitie of prioritie of place and precedencie. 3o5 5. 11, Of the vanitie of Princes favours. 307 S. 12. Of the incon f?ancie and mutabilitie ofthefauour of Princes 308. 5.13. Thatthe fauours of Princesare vnprofit;able. 309 CHAP.