Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. CHAP. XI. Ofthevanitie ofworldly power and authoritie. §. I. In what re/pea worldly authoritie ie good,and in what mill andfzrsfull. S z.Thatthereis no greatexxllencie in worldly power andau- theritie. 31; §. 3. That worldly asthoritie andpower doth not profite vs for the attaining to grace andvertue. 313 §. 4. That be who bath m®fl authoritie oser others , bath leaf! in ruling hinofe fe. 315 §. 5. That worldly authoritie freeeth vs not from our greaten e- uils. 316 s. 6.That worldly authoritie isaccompanied z fualy:withpride and tyrannie. 317 §. 7.7 hat worldly authoritie is slimily accompanied with vniufltce and opprF/Ton. 319 §.8.That worldly authoritie expofeth men to enuie and many dangers. 321 §. 9. That abusedatuthoritie fubieEleth men to Gods vengeance. 322. §. I o. That fßiiritnall power to much to be preferred before that which is worldly. 323 CHAP. XI!: Ofthe vanitie of worldly nobilitie. 5.'. What toobilitie £c, aodtheJignes thereof. 325 §. 2. That nobilitie in itfelfeisgoodand lawfull. 325 s. 3. That true nobilitieis much to be honoured and re f eRed.3 27 §. 4. That worldly nobilitie is ofno worth or excellencie. 3 28 s. 5. That there ta no cause why any Jhouldglorie in worldly nobi. line. 330 s. 6. That God refs eEl eth not worldly nobilitie. 330 §.7. T h a t Chrifl ne g l e fl e d worldly nobilitie. 3 3 t s,8. That worldly nobilitie is momentay and mutable. 332 §.9. Thatvpfart nobilitie ioyned with vertue is to be preferred before that which is dellitute of ir,rhough it (O ancient.3 33 5.10. 74 t worldly nobilitie is vnprofirable. 334 §.II.The