Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. §. I t.The vnprofitableneffeofworldly nobilitie /hewed by diners examples. 336 $.12.That worldly nobilitie maketh man proud and negligent in the pratlofe of religion. 338 5. 13. Thatnobilitie festered from vertue, dijgracetk thofe that haue it. 339 §. 14. That .firituall nobilitie i much to be preferred beforethat which is worldly. 341 5. 15. That the priuiledges of F»ritua/lnobilitk are much greater then of that which is worldly. CHAP. XIII. Of the vanitie ofworld!ykingdomes andmonarchies. §. t .7-hat kingly andfupremeauthoritie is in it felfegood , and to be reuerenced andre f /wiled. §. 2. That royaltie and fupremcauthoritie is the gift and blefing of God. §. 3.T/76,i-roubles and encombrances which a kingdome bring th with it. 345 §. 4. The cares which accompany a kingdom in rc f#cíl of him that reigneth. 347 §. 5. The care which a hing taketh in re ewEl of his fubicar. 348 §. 6. T he weightie burthen and pain f lllabour, which accornpa. .niethfoueraigntie. §. 7. That Princes are much troubled with the violence of their vnru y aie/lions. 35° §. 8. The dangers which are incident to Mop that are in fupreme aushorit ie. 2 §.9.Of the vngratitudc of the people towards their gouernors. 35. 5. io. The great account that Princes haue to make at the day of judgement. 354 §. 11. That worldlyha'ngdomes èbufed arethe caufes ofmany fins. 3s 5. 5. I 2. Of the punif'iment which God infiiileth upon euill kings x56. 5.13. That Godbringeth vpon end kings haflie deflrutlion. 358 §.14.of