Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
TheContents. §. 14. That excefflue brasserie Both not make chafe that Aeeare it morecommendable. 390 s..i 5. That this brasseriegraceth neither the beautifnllnordefor- med, vertuout or vicious. 391 §.16. That coil y apparelldoth not make thofe that weare it more relei7ed. 392 §. t 7. Of the etti: which accompanie exce ?ue brauerie: 1./mite aeainfl God. 394 g. 18. Too much care in decking the body , argreeth the negle/ of the foule. 395 §:19.That they who vfe excefrein apparel , ofendagain/ their brethren bygiuingoffence. 397 §. zo.Theirexcufe taken away who pretend inward humilitie though they exceed in outwardbrauerie, 398 §. 2t. Their excufeanfweredwho pretend thepleafingoftheirhut. bandy as the taufe oftheir excelfe. 399 §. z z. That exct:glue brauerie is the taufe of many facet, in ref(ßeil ofthofcehat wean it. §. 23. That this exceffe cau ,reth many euils,both to privateperfont and to the commonwealth. 4102 §. 24. That tally and vaine apparellis the finite of pride andfelle loue. 404 g. z 5. Of the punifhsnent which God inflibleth vponmen for pride inapparell. 405 §. z6. That we are muchao preferre the fpiritua!lornament o_ f the fluke, before corporall. 407 CHAP XVI. Of the vanitie ofworld ly pleafures. §. T. Worldly pleafures are ofna worth, in comparifin of heauen y ieyes. 408 g. z. That worldly pleat sres aregifts of an in feriournature,which are bellowedmoßplentifully vpon the wicked. 409 §. 3. That the brutoJbcreatures haze the large' hare in earthly plea/isres. 411 5.4.That worldly plea( ures are oflefe ogee= becaufethey are apt to heabufed. 412 5. That
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