Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. . g, 5. rhat the vanitieof worldly p leafuresfhould make vsto feeke jpiritua(land beamed" ¡oyes. 413 CHAP. XVII. That worldly things do not fa tisfie, nor bring content- ment to thofc that haue them. §. a .7'hat worldly things do not bring that contentment which they promife. 415 §. 2.That worldly things po f fef f'ed do but inflame the defre. 416 §. 3. The reafons why the mind of man cannot be fatisfied with earthly things. 417 §.4. That it is great folly tofeeke,for content in earthly abundance. 419 s. 5, The infaficiency of wordly things to giue content , (hewed by examples. 421 §, 6, That honours bring no contentment to thofe that haue them. 422. S.7.That there is no fatietie or content in riches. 424 §. 8. That worldly richespromife contentment, but cannot gioie et, andthe reafons why. 425 §.9.That covetous men the morethey abound,the more they want. 427 5. Io. That couetotumen are more in want then the Poore. 428 .That it is in vaine to feeke for contentment in riches. 429 §. I 2. Anotherreafoo why riches fatisfienot, namely becaufethey are not vfed. 430 §.i 3. That it is not the bare po(fen ofriches that maketh rich. 5.14. That rich milers are ofall otherpooreff. 432 5. I ç. The mi('erable conditton of rich mierr. 43 3. S. 16. That rirhmiíersareemptieof all goodneffe ,being good nei- ther tothemfeluer nor others. 4 2 5 5. 17. That worldly pleafures fatefie not, nor giue contentment. 437 CHAP. XVIII. Of the miferabie effe&s w hich accompany the in(ifheieney of worldly things , as difcontent in all cflatc s, hoachíng fatietie, and an endlelfe delire ofchaaging. C 3 §.I.That