Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. S. x .That allmen are dafcontented with their eater, and ftrg, thole who are of honourable condition. 439 §. 2. The difcantent which accompaniethriches and plearares 440 S.z.That allmen in aliases , anding are full of dafcontert. 441 5.4.0f the ca, fes why worldling; arefo fullofd fcantent. 444 S 5.7- hat worldly things in ffeed of atisf -ing bring with them loa- thinófat;etie. 446 §.6.From the i fufficíencyof worldly things to fatisfie , proçeedeth an endleffe defre andofellation of change. 448 5 .7.7he formerpoint cleared by fame inflantes, 451 CHAP. XIX. Of theexcellencyoftruc contentment, and chemeanes whereby we may attainc vnto ir. §.I.That contentment is to be foughtnot in the world/Isst in Gods fßiritua,'lgraces. 45 2 §.z.Thatff irituall contentment much exceedeth allcontentment in worldly things. 454 §.3,That contentment is a medicine for allmi ferie. 456 §.4.7hat contentment is to be fought ,not in outwardthings,but in the heart and mind. 5. 5.7hat we mug feeAZe contentment , not by multiplying wo 4d y vanities ,but by moderating our d fres andaffeílions. 459 §.6.Ifwe would hatee contentment in riches, we mall lay afide co- uetoufneffe. 461 §.7.That contentment in pleafures,is had,not by multiplying them, but by rift rainingour appetites. 463 §.8.7he firg and chiefs meaner of contentationis wholely to rejig-me our Tellies to the will ofGod. 464 5.9.7 hat Chr f iant may fafely and fecurely ret on Gods proni- deuce. 466 5.1 o.Thereaforu why the Lordgiueth worldly thingsto fame of his children,and not to others. 468 §.t i .The reafons why the L ird ma/Zeth not allhis children rich in allwooIdy benefites. 470 4.1 z.7hefecond meanes ofcontentm_nti.e to lade agodly l fe. 72 5.13.T he third meaner is to thinks ofour ben fates as well as ofora wants. 473 g.14.That
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