Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents: 5.14.That perfebi and full contentation is one y to be found in hea- uenly happineffe. 474 CHAP. xx. Ofthe vnprofitablenes of worldly vanities in comparifon of Gods fpirituall graces and heauenly íoycs. i .That there is no profite in worldly things to thofe who fet their hearts on them. 476 §.2.That worldly honours are vnprofitable. 477 5.3.7-hat there is no profite in worldly riches. 477 9.4.That riches are moll vnprofitable to fordtdous miters. 480 §,s .Ofthe vnprofitablenef f e of worldly pleafures. 483 §,6.T hat worldly things do not further the maine ends at which we aime,ais firfl they do not make vs truly better. 48g §.7.That we are not bettered by honors ,riches ,or carnallpleafures. 488. CHAP. xxi. That worldly things profit not to the attaining ofthofe things which are chiefly good,nor to the auoiding ofour greaten evils. §. t .That worldly things helpe not to enrich our minds with vertue and Gods fatting graces. 491 5.i .That worldly things do not make vs more fuir-full in good workes. 492 §.3.That worldly things do not make them ,who haue them, more merry and chearefull. 494 §.4.That worldly pleafures are voide of true pleafure , andfound delight. 496 §. s.That worldly things afire vs 'yteither of the loue of rod nor man. 497 §.6.That worldly things do not helpe to free vsfrom our great efl evils: as fir fi,they do not deliuer vsfrom dangers. 499 §.7.Worldly things cure not the body officknef es fettles. goo 5,8 Worldly things do not profit in the day of Gods viftation. soy §.9.7 bat worldly thingsprofit not at the howreo fdeath. 5o6 5.' o.That worldly things at the day of death bring riouch griefe andbitternef e. 5°9 §, t t.That worldly thingsprofitenot after our reparation. go t S. i 2.That worldly things will not profite vs at the day of fudge- c ment.