Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
r The Contents.' 5i2 §. 13,Thment. e conclufion perfwading tofeeke after Gods f irit uallgra.' ` ces,and heauenly ioyes; which done bring true pro fite. 514 CHAP. XXi1. Ofthe manifoldmiferieswhich do accompanie worldly vanities in the whole courfe ofmans life, §. i .That all worldly benefits are imbittered with manifold mife- ries. 5'5 §. 2. The mimes of worldly thingslhewed by teflimonies. 517 §. 3. The mieries of mans life inref6el7 offnne. 518 §.4. That the things ofthis l feure commended onely by neceffitie 5 o. §, 5. That mant life is acontïionaIIdfafe, andworldl thingsme- dtcines to eafe it. 521 §. 6. Of the loathfome faciety which mien findeth in worldly things. 523. §. 7. Ofthe adherent euilr which are incident to mans life. 523 . 8. Ofthe mifrroes ipcidentto mans eflate. 525 §. 9. Of themiferies incident to a mans s perfon,and firfl in ref jsellof his body. 527 §. I o.Ofthe manifoldmiferiesofmaninrefpetl of hisfoule. 528 §.I r. Ofthe miferier o fmass through the contrarietie and fightof his owne pa ons.. 530 §J2.Of the miferies ofmansl feinrefJell ofhisfriends. 531 CHAP. XXI I I. Ofthe miferies which are fpecially incidentvnto all the ages of man. §. i Ofmansmifery which he is fubia vntoin his mothers wombe 533 §.2. Of mans milerie in his birth., 534 §. 3.Of the miseries of infancie,childhood, andyouth. S3 5 §. 4. Of the miferies incident to man in his perfell age. 538 S. 5. ofthe miferies incident to old age. 54° CHAP. - XXIIII. Ofthe manifoldmiferies all eßtates ofinen are fubiea. §,f .0f
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