Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. §.1. Of the miferies incident vntoEngle 1íf5 and wedlocke, 541 §.2.0f the niferies incident to diux rsfìates, publàck& privat.543 §,3.Of fo iefpecial worldly miferies peculiar to true Chrillas.541, CHAP. xxv. Ofthe miferies which accompany- worldly things, in refpeci of their getting, keeping, and poflefìion. §.I.Of the sudswhich worldly things bring with them , and firfl honours and riches. 547 §.z. Ofthe mferies whichaccompany pleafures. 549 5.3.That worldly things are notgotten without great ¡abèur. 55o §,4,That worldly men take their chiefspains for fuperfluities. 5 5 z § 5.Of the miferies incident to thegetting of honours, riches and pleafures. 552 §. 6. That mens paints in getting worldly things is accoiopanied withfinne. 554 §. 7. Of the wicked cour- fes which ambitious and cauetoui men run into, to obtáinehonours and riches. 556 §.8 .That worldlypleafures arefeldome procuredwithout 56o §,9.0f the miferies accompanying worldly things in refpelî oftheir poffe on. 56z §.Io.The cares and ferres which accompany honors in their pof- fean. 56z §.i 1.O f the miferies which accöpany richesin their po f fefon. 565 §.i 2.Thatriches depriue their bodies of riff, and their minds of peace, which too much loue them. 568 5.1 3.How we may in the po f fÇ -on of riches be freed from the for - mer miferies. 57o §. t4.That riches are moll furely preferued wh en they are giuen to the poore. S72 5.15 .An exhortation to alines deeds. 575 §.16.Ofthe miferieswhich accompany worldly pleafures and their fruition. 576 5.17.0 f the miferieswhich accompany worldly things when they arelofi. 577 8.0f the m feries which are incident to men for the lop of ho= nours,riches,andpleafures. 579 §.19.Theconclufon perfwadmg all to feeke after Godslpirituall graces ,andheauen y ioyes. 581 CHAP.