Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. CHAP XXVI. That though with all our indeuours we feeke for worldly things, we are not Cure to obtaine them, 5.I.That worldling: often farlein their defire:, andloof, all their labour. 53z § z.That the world and the Princethereof abufe their fauourites with felfe promifes. 584 §. 3.That though menbe often deceiued, yet they more traufl Satan and the world,then Godhimfelfe. 586 §.4.That worldling: do often by their too earneft labouring loop the f uite of their labours. §.5.O fthe vncertainty o fobtaining world y honour:. 591 §.6.7hat too carnet? fee 'ng honours mallet mento loofe them.59; §.7.The right way tofeeke true honour. 594 6.8.Thegreat vncertainty of obtaining worldly riche:. $96 §.9.Ofthe vncertaintyofobtaining worla4pleafures. $98 §.io.That Irma), be of uredto obtaine fpiritnall graces and hen - uenly ioyes if we truly feeke them. 5.11.7-hecertaiostieof obtaining eternal[ioyesby theftthat feeke them, posed. 601 CHAP. XXVII. That the world and worldly things are momentany and corruptible. §.I.That theworld is corruptible andfhallend. 603 §.z.Thatwe 'Tumid not fet our hearts on the world, betaufcitis corruptibleand neare an end. 6o5 5.;.That allworldly thing: are momentany and corruptible, 6o8 §.4,Thatwe cannot fecurely enioy worldly things, and without feale oflooftng them. 609 5.5.7hat the corruptibilitie of worldly thingsfhould weave our heartsfrom their fond loue. 610 5.6.7hat worldlyhonours are momentany anduncertain. 61z 5.7.7hat worldly riches are momentany and tranfitory. 6I5 S.8.719at riche: are daily in danger o floofing ; and that thegreater lof e brings the greater griefe. 617 §.9.7he beltway to prelim riches from loo/ing. 619 §.1 o,That
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