Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. §jo.That worldly plcafures arefhort and momentany. CPA P. XXVIII. Ofthe mutabilitie and inconfiancy of worldly things. §.i .That all things in heauen and earth are fubieli to change and alteration. 623 §.2 That we communicate with all creatures in their mutability, befides the changes smto which our own elates arefubietl.624 .§.3.0f the mutability and vnconflancy of honors andpreferments. 627. §.4.The caufes why honors arefo variable and vnconfiant. 629 §..Of the mutabilitie andvnconflancie ofriches. 631 §. 6.TFhat worldly pitafurt'5tire vnconflant and fubiellto change. 633. CHAP. XXIX. Ofthe momentany continuance and frailtie ofmans life. §.1.That notwithflandtng mans lfe s f%,ortand fraile ,yet worldly men dreame ofimmortalitte. 635 §.2.The breuitie ofmanslife proued by plaine teflimonies of Scrip- ture. 636 §.3.The breuitie ofmans life illufirated by fimilitudes. 637 §.4.That mansfhort life is moll fraile and vncertaine, being on entry file of failedby death. 639 the innumerable dangers unto which mans life is dailyfub,- ieli. 640 §,6.That emery manmore clearelyTeeth other mens mortalitie then his owne. 642 §.7.That from our birth to our death our limes are in a continual) confumption. 643 §.8.The breuitie of mans life fl owed by it fpeciall confide-ration of theparts thereof. 645 §.9.Thatbyreafon of the vncertaintie of our limes allthings are vncertaine Onto vs. 646 §.I ö.7hat the things we puff je are not our ewne, but the worlds heire- loonies. 649 §. t t.Thefbortnefe oftheir lines who are aduanced to honors. 65o §, 12.That the rich mans fe is fbort and vncertaine. 6 ÿaß 622
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