Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. S. z 3. That the hope of worldlings u vaine and entertain ,who thinl¿e to leant allthings to their heires and children. 653 §.4.That the loses of voluptuous men are lhort and full offradtie. 656. §.15./ perfwafron to the contempt of the morld,andlotee of heiMen groundedvpon the confederation of our lines fbort and ma- mental continuance. 657 CHAP. XXX. Ofthe great hurt which worldly things bring to their ow. ners when they let their hearts on them : and fdl, by weaning their hearts from God; and making them idolaters. §.r.That worldly thingr are hurtfullto thole who immoderately lone them. 66z §.2.That worldly honors bring much hurt to thofe that dote vpon them. c- 66; §.3.That riches hurt chafe who immoderat y delre them,by draw- mg them onto all lime. 664 §.4.That voluptuouspleafttres hurt thole who 441 them, by be- ingot-cations of in,anclin themfelsees finfull. 666 §.5.6.7hat worldly things withdraw our hearts from God. 669 §.7. Preferuations againfl the f rmerfinne. 674 §.B.Thatworldly thingsimmoderately louedare the caufes of ido- latrie. 675 §.9.That ambitiotts,couetous,- voluptuous nor' areidolaters.677 CHAP. xxxr. That worldly things makemen forgetful)ofGod,vnthanke- full ,proud,contemptuous,iothtull and negligent in the duties ofGods feruice. §. t .That'worldly abundance maketh men forgetflilof God. . 679 §.2.That worldly things aboundingmake me vnthankefulltowarde God. 68i §.3'4 That worldly abundance is the caufe of pride againfl God. 684. §..5.That worldly things cau fng pride are álfo the caufesofde/Iru- Elion. 688 §.6.That worldly things bringwith them contempt of God. 690 §.7. ?hat
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