Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. §, 7. That worldly things bring contempt of f f irituallgra to , and heauenlyglorie. 69 §,8. 9,T hatworld ly things immoderatey!cuedmakemen fdothfuü in the duties ofGodsferuice. 694 C H A P. XXXII. That worldly things immoderately loued are the mires of many culls in refpe6 ofour neighbours , as ofiniudice, wrongs,pride, and infolencie. §. 1. That worldly things immoderately loued are the wife: o f in- iufice. 700 §. 2. That worldly things thrufl men on to the committing of out - ragions wrongs. 704 g. 3. That worldly thingsprocure enuie and malice. 707 § 4.5 That worldly things make men proud and in folent towards their neighbours. 708 C P A P. xxxIII. Ofthe ciuill euils which worldly things immoderately loued bring to their owners. §.1. That abundance ofworldly thingseffminate and (often the heart and mind. 713 §. 2, 3. Thatthe fruition of worldly things make men to f and in needs of many thins. 716 5, 4. to §'. I I. That worldly things,andparticularly honors ,riches, andpleafures,bring them who immoolerately louethem,in. to agrieuous feruitude. 72 I §. I I.That abundance ofworldly thingsbrings enuie and hatredto their owners. 736 5. 12. That worldly things are the caufe of enmity anddtfcord.74o 5.13. to 5. 16. That worldly things and particularly honours, riches, andpleafures, expofe their owners to innumerable dangers. 743 CHAP. XXXIIII. Ofthe manifold fp.irituail culls which worldly things bring to thofe that fet their hearts vpon them. §.I.That
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