Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
THE SECOND} PART OF THE -CHRISTIAN WARFARE; or the Contempt of the World: TENDING T O ARME AND CONFIRME THE WEAKE CHRISTIAN againfl the tentations ofprofperitie, and topreferue him from the immoderate loue of earthly things; by ?rotting vnto him, that b oth the world andworldly van i ties are fo bafe andworthle/Jè,that they deferuenot to 6eefleemedand loued ofa Chriftian,in comparifon of Goda fpirituali graces and hcauen.. ly ioyes. WRITTEN AS AN ANTIDOTE A- GAINST THE POYSON OF WORLDLIE loue, with which in thefe dales fo many are infe5ted; and that it might revive that heattenly fireof #iri- tualland diuineloue,which is fo much cooledand abated. By I. Do vv N A?l a Bachelar in Diuinitie,and ?reacher of Gods?bord. Louenot the?borld,neither the things that are ix the tberld. /fan, Man hue theworld ,the /oue of the father it net inhim. t .Ioh.2, i.p . 11T LONDON Imprinted by FELIX K x N G ST ON. 161I.
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