Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. S. t. That worldly things immoderately losted do choalethe feede of Gods word. 75(2 §. 2. That abundance of worldly things impoueriheth vs in godr f jiirituallgraces. 5.3.That earthly abundancedoth infatuate the vnderflandang.7 4 §.4. That honours , riches , and pleafures , make men blind an fin - dong the way to heauen. 753 S. 5. That worldly abundance makes men fo ignorant they cannot know themfel tes. 762 S. 6. That worldly abundance maketh men ignorant of their friends. 753 §.7. Th a honooers,richc's,andpleafsrres, make menable to difceo n friendsfromflatterers. 6 74 S.8.That earthy abundancecaufeth(ecuritie. 767 §. 9. That worldlyabundance bringeth impenitencit and hardne fe of heart. 769 5. to. That the immoderate loue ofworld y things , taken away all true lone from our felues 772 5. t 1. That earthly abundance aggrauateth theirfinnes that haue it. 774 5.16.That worldly things,& particularly ,honosers,riches, and pleafures etpofe men to many tentations. 77$ §.15. That they expofemento Gods wrath and heauy iudgements. 783 CHAP. XXXV. Of the euerlaaing euils which worldly things immoderately loued do bring to chore who haue them. 5. r . That theyhinder men from attaining the ioyes of Gods king - dome. 786 5 2. The reafons why we cannot greatly. lone both earthly and hea- uen y things. 788 § 3. That the Lord willnot gioie the heauenly ioyes to them who more efleeme of earthly tries. 791 §.4.5.6.Thatworldly honours, riches, and pleafurer, hinder thofe whofet their hearts on them; from attaining heauenlyglory. 792. 5.7.8.That the more we aboundwith worldly things , thegrea- terf fallbe our reckoning at the day of iudgement. 80o §,9. That
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