Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. S9 Jsat worldly things immoderately lourd increAfe their con. demnation, who thus abufe them. 809, §. to. aifdsf7waßon from the lone of the world vpan the former confederation. 8o6 The contents ofthe third Booke. CHAP. I. That we fhould not fet our hearts on the world and worldly things, becaufe we are but pilgrims and llran- gers on earth. §. 1. That all the faithfull from time to time haste acknowledged the.nfelues pilgrims andflrangers. 809 §. 2. That thisJhould weave our hearts from the world, becaufe we ltue as firanáers in it. St §, 3. That the world is to be vfed as a pafrage, and not as a place of habitation. 823 S. 4. That uelhould not fet our hearts and of fetlions on the world, becaufe it is the place of our warfare. 826 CHAP. II. That we fhould contemne the world and all worldly va- nities, in regard that we are citizens of heauen and heires cîbetter hopes. §.I. That we mighteafiycontemne earthly things, f we would meditate on ourheauenly priuiledges,and ioyes. 818 6-. a. That the loue ofthe world may well fit anignorant worldling, but i!Lbefeemeth a Chriian who hach of furance of future happinef f e. 82o 5.3.7hatit is prude bareneffe for a Chrtflian who is the child of Clod and heire o fbeauen to fet his heart on worldly things. 822. 5.4. That earthly honours , riches, andpleafures, are bafe and of no worth, in comparifon of the treafures, glory ,and ioyes of heauen. 825 5.5 Thatthey who loue the world make a forfeiture of their hea- seen y hopes. 827 §.6.T hat