Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. s. 6. Thatdlthe faithfull harm from time to time contemned the world. 828 CHAP, III. ofthe ioyes ofheauen,that they are ineffable and inconceì- uable,and ofthe names and titles which in the Scrip- tures are given vnto them. §. T. That Chr /ianr are much to preferre heaven before earth, in regard that it is their owne countrey. 83t §. 2. That it is impoffible to defcribe the ioyes of healsen in any per - feÊlion. °33 §. 3.What the ioyes ofheauen are, and of the names, andtitles, which in the holy Scriptures aregiseenvato them. 837 CHAP. Text. Of the happineife ofthe foule in the ioyes of heaven, and wherein it conf(leth. §.I. That alldefeflr and wants in the foulefball be perfectly (ap- plied. 840 §. 2. That the foule fball be freed from allcorruption, and firli,the vnderflandingfrom iónorance andcuriofilie. 842 §. 3.That our wile fballbe Peed from their pernerfeneffe, and be male conformable to the wi /1 ofgod. 843 §. 4. That our memories and confciences'bal haue in t hemno im- perfellion orcorruption. 846 §. 5. Of the excellent faculties and qualities wherewith our foules fballbe beautified and adorned. 848 CHAP. v. Of the fpeciall happineffe and feliclrle of our bodies in the kingdome ofheauen. S. I.That we fhall be freedfrom all bodily wants andg-reeuances, as humer and thirft. 849 S. 2.Ofotherworldlywants from which our bodies f/sallbe freed. 851. S. 4 Of
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