Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. 5,3, ofthe manifold evils from which our bodies /hall he deli- vered. 852. 5.4. Of thegood things whichJima be communicated to our bo- dies. And fir ft J oritreallqualities. 853 §.5. Of fente [pirituall qualities wherewith our bodies "ball be adorned. 856 5.6.7-hat oar bodies Iball be induedwithgreat firength,and fleed Peon fuf'ering any hurt. 858 5.7. That oar bodies ¡hall be beautifull and of a comely feature andproportion. 859 §.8. That our bodies" beihiningandglorions. 860 CHAP. VI. Of the felicitie and bleffednes ofthe whole man bodie and foule,conGfting in freedome from all euil, and in the fruition of all good. 5.I. That me ¡hall no more be molefted ìbith our turbulent afe- ¿lions. 863 §.z. That ìbe"hall be freed"rem all impotencie and/inne. 8(5 §.3. That in our heavenly happine/!e we (ball be freed from al ex- ternal!eui!s, as painful! labour,wicked companie,and the affaults of all enemies. 866 ;.4. Reaf ns to proone that the ioyes of heamen mug acedes be moll excellent and blefed. 868 CHAP. VII. That in heauen we íhall abound with all happines both in refpel of our perlons and eflates. And that there are degrees ofhappineffe. 5.t. That the image of Ged"hallbe perfeïl y repaired in vs.87 a §. z. That the ioyes of heauen (hall fill vs without glutting, and fatiate vs withoutloathing. 873 5.3. That thefe ioyes Jhall be me excellent in regard of the things aboutvs. 875 §.4. That thereare diners degrees of glorie and happtnea in the kingdame of heauen: thewhich it firfl preened by teffi_ 11 monies
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