Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. nies of Scripture. §.5 Dicers reafons to prom that there are diners. degrees f glatie, 879 CHAP. VIII. That heauen is a place moll glorious : and of our blefíed focietie with the Saints,Angels,and our . Sauiour the heauenofheauensfllallbe the place of ourhappi- nege,which is moll beautifulíandglorious. 88 §.2.Oft he greatfelrcitie a -hick lèee fhaIl haue in the focietie f the Samts and e/Pngels, 886 §.3. Whether ."e(hall in heauen lt.notu one another. 887 5.4. That aaAna be a great part of our heauenly happineffe to cuioy the company of our SauiourChrifl.. 889 CHAP. IX. Of the fruition of Go d, and of thofe vnfpeakcable ioyes which will arife from it. §. i. That as the Lord is the ant bar,fo alfo the chiefe matter of our heauenly ioyes. $9 1 S.2. That all lay and happineffe accompanieth our finition of God, as being the perfel-lion and accomplifhment of them all.' §.3. That the fruition of God mull needs be theperfeHian ofo9ur ioy, feeine allgoodnefe,beautie and excellencie, is contai- nedand vetted in him.. 895 §.4, That all the heauenly ioyes, tbithout thefruition of God, could not make vs perfeçily happie, 899 CHAP. X. Of the vifion and fight ofGod,and of that communion, which we.lhall haue with him. §.I.Wherein.the vision of God chiefly conftfleth, and that it is nota damefight, as in this life, but a cleereknorrledge of him. 990 S.2. Th«t atar oo .of gadfballk fpirituall, and how farforth we
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