Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

In their owne nature. Chap. r . §. Ls, t. Generally, \ where is Phew -- `Good to ÿ good who vie ed what they ) in their vfe to vs, to them rightly.Cap.r.§.5. are wit, indifferent, )Euill to chofe who abufe (( them, (In their orvn nature. Cap.a.§.2. Vitro vs,in theirvfe,name.y, to the are { them edl. §f 5'them who vfe good, Of whom they ate to be deli - L red. §.15.16. 1 In their own nature. Cap.3. 4.t, (r. That riches are not abfolurely to Vnto vs bee contemned. whé they § 6. to so. are wel v -< fed,where The cautionswhich Lis (hewed are to bee obfer_ ued to their right vie. Chap.4. fDiuine pleafures, which are chiefly good and defirable. §.1.2. Honors I l3. Worldly things, al which are refer- red to three heads, to wir, honors, ri- ches, & pleafures,{ of which it is en. treated in the fe- cend booke : and. CGood,and thus Riches ate S good, x. Special - ly,where is entreated of honors, riches and< pleafures, which arc `either Pleafures are good, Chap. 5. and that both rt.In their owne Naturali I nature. § 6, and ciuil, whichare 2. Vitto vs, when good, l they arc well vfed. § t o. t.The figns of this worldlie i- dolatry, & carnalloue wherby we may know rituali graces & h eauen 1 y ioyes,in cópa- whether Euil when they are abufed,& thus men abufe them, when they make them their idols, by preferring them in their iudge- ments,affeetions and pra&ife,before fpi. rifon whereof,they are to be contemned we beinfe- , Eked with vnto which cótempt ÿ following treatife thisdifcafe t` petfwadeth,Chap.6.whereispropoi'tdcd, Chap.7. z. Reme- dies. Set L C.